Sunday, July 22, 2012


I feel very fortunate to have had a strong testimony at an early age. I felt the spirit with me often and was taught by my loving parents what that feeling was and how I could keep it with me. I remember referring to the feeling as "feeling like I was home.” I so looked forward to my baptism, and when it came it was as good as I had hoped it would be. When I was coming out of the water I felt such an overwhelming feeling of love—a strong sensation that swept over my body from head to toe. Again, I felt that familiar warm spirit, and felt at home. The next day, men I loved and admired put their hands on my head and gave me the gift of the Holy Ghost. I remember that as soon as the words "receive the Holy Ghost" were pronounced, the spirit flooded me from the top of my head and down my arms and legs, until I felt completely wrapped up in a big warm hug. I cried as the rest of the blessing was given and when it ended I got up, hugged my dad and older brothers, and then walked to the bench where my family was sitting. My eyes and face were flooded with tears and a lady sitting next to us just giggled and said "Oh isn't that just sweet?" I wanted to turn around and say "But can't you feel it too?" A few other people came up after the meeting and said that it was so cute to see me crying. I didn't know why they were so surprised because I figured they had that feeling with them, too. They must've thought I was a bit silly. But as I have grown and progressed I have had many times where I've felt the spirit impact me in such a way that my emotions can't be repressed and the veil feels very thin. It's a familiar feeling that sweeps away all my sorrow and fears.

Now that I am a mother, I feel like there have been chambers of my heart that have been found and are now open and flowing with more love than I ever could've imagined. When I look at my children and think of the endless love I feel for them, I feel honored that I have Heavenly parents that feel the same for me. Just being a mother has been a witness for me of God’s love. I'm so, so grateful that He has allowed me that insight.

I also marvel at the thought that my Heavenly Father thinks that I'm worth saving. He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to die for me. Even with hundreds of imperfections and bad habits and with my growing list of things I need to change and work on. I, somehow, am worth it to Him! That is incredibly humbling to me.

My life has been filled with a bunch of little experiences in which I have felt my Heavenly Father's love. Though I can't see Him, and sometimes I have wondered if He's too busy for me, I always come back to the feeling deep inside that I am loved by Him, that He has time enough for me, and that He leads me along life's path. I have seen and felt His hand too many times to deny the fact that He loves me. Somehow, He does. I can feel it. It's warm, it's all encompassing, and it's familiar. And someday when the veil is lifted, I will know why it felt like home.


 “We are Daughters of our Heavenly Father who loves us, and we love Him,” I grew up as a youth saying this phrase at least once a week. I believe it is what helped me get through all the trials I have ever experienced; it is this knowledge that I relied on and that I held firm to all my life with unbroken faith.

I believe that always having faith that I am a daughter of God led me to a knowledge, which in turn led me to feel his love. A love that only a Heavenly Father can give, an unconditional love that I can feel even when I don’t reach the potential I know he sees in me, a love that only testifies that we are all daughters of God.

I now feel that love more powerfully than ever as I prepare to welcome two of his children into our family. As I ponder this knowledge for our son and daughter, I know that God loves them, I feel it in every movement in my body, and I feel a responsibility to teach them of his love.

It has been in the dark and lonely moments in my life that I have been assured that I am loved, that I have an Eternal Father and that I have a divine birthright to be like Him, that I was made in the image of His being. I know he sacrificed his only begotten son for me, for my future children and for all mankind. As a future parent, I can’t even comprehend the idea, even out of love, of losing a child. It is this kind of love that I feel, which is how I know I am a daughter of God!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I know that I am a daughter of God each time that another person affects my life for the better. I am so blessed by others in my life, especially my family. I know my Heavenly Father loves me each time my father makes my family dinner, when my mother says something that is an answer to my prayers, and when my husband gives me a blessing or tells me he loves me. I feel my Heavenly Father’s love for me, His daughter, as He allows others to uplift my life.